
Bolt hammer


When I was 19, I traveled alone to New York for a month.
The time I spent at that time was irreplaceable, and it was more than 10 years ago, but it was a great experience that I would never forget.

Incredibly huge tractors,
freshly squeezed milk with the smell of pasture,
Manhattan people,
Fishing in Brooklyn.

During my stay, I helped with the work on the interior of the local artist and helped with the dismantling work.
One of the most memorable tasks was to remove this bolt.
I removed one bolt half a day.
I finally came to tears down to force. Both the head and the body of the bolt are twisted.
I took it home to commemorate and slept in a treasure chest.
I made a small hammer with this bolt this time.

American scent,
and human.
memories into a hammerhead and put them with in my pocket.


既製とも天然とも言えない素材に手を入れるときは、素材そのものの「劣化」っていうハンデがそもそも素材にあるので、むやみにガシガシ手を入れられない。 ただの思い出の宝物をかっこよくしようと安易に手を入れていた所、案の定、一度これ、作業中におもいっきしぶっ壊してるんだけど、そのプロセスも含めてビデオにまとめようと思います。 柄は拾った廃材。たぶんパレットの足の部分。 怖いけど、楽しい。


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